The green recognition scheme “ECO Stars” is expanding across Scotland with the launch of the scheme in Fife.  

The free scheme, run by local authorities, encourages fleet operators – of all sizes - to improve efficiency, reduce fuel consumption and emissions – to help improve local transport related air quality.   

When joining, members have their vehicles and overall fleet rated by industry experts to assess their current environmental performance giving an ECO Stars rating between 1 and 5.  A bespoke “road map” or action plan is then produced containing tailor-made guidance to help improve the efficiency of their fleet.  

ECO Stars began in South Yorkshire in 2009, and has now expanded to twelve areas in the UK including five in Scotland.   The scheme was launched in Fife with award presentations to inaugural members which included Fishers Services, Kettle Produce, Asda, Pollock (Scotrans), Sainsbury's, John Mitchell, Suckling Transport, Malcolm Group and Fife Council themselves.  

Alasdair Wilson, Compliance Manager for W. H. Malcolm Limited commented: “We are proud to be awarded a five star top rating for environmental fleet performance and management.  This recognises the benefits to the environment and the people of Fife through improved air quality, of the continued investment in maintaining a modern fleet with modern working practices.”

Cllr Pat Callaghan, Fife Council Executive Spokesperson for Environment and Transportation said: “We’re working very hard with our partners to improve Fife’s air quality and taking part in the scheme helps the Council on its way to reducing its carbon emissions by 42% before 2020. It’s great to see so many local fleet operators committed to improving the efficiency of their fleet and environmental impact”

Funding from the Scottish Government’s Air Quality Action Plan grant, helped set up ECO Stars Fife. 

ECO Stars is being managed on behalf of Fife Council by specialist transport consultants, Transport and Travel Research Ltd.  The scheme is free to sign up to. For more information call the ECO Stars Team on 01543 416416, email